Ticket Resale Availability

Ticket Resale Availability

Ticket resale availability and eligibility is dependent on the ticket's barcode type and delivery status. 

Timeframe on Availability

If you purchased your tickets through the Easyhubtickets platform and they are mobile tickets that will be delivered within the Easyhubtickets website, you can list them for sale the second the barcodes arrive.

Eligibility Error

If you have attempted to list tickets and received a text from our team that your tickets cannot be listed for resale, confirm that the images uploaded contain the name of the event, the date of the event, the section, row, and seat numbers. If all of the requirements are met, confirm that your tickets do not require an external transfer outside the Easyhubtickets website (e.g. Ticketmaster tickets containing a rotating barcode would be ineligible). For proper scanning purposes, tickets may also be declined if the image uploaded is blurry or if multiple seats are listed at the same time but are not next to each other.

If you have met the above requirements and think your tickets may have been declined in error, list them again and our team is happy to review them!

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