Return Policy

Return Policy

Our 24-hour protection policy allows you to return your tickets within 24 hours of placing your order for 100% easyhubtickets credit. The credit is valid for any future events and never expires! 

As a market place, our available listings are listed through sellers who do have a final sales policy. With that in mind, we still want to be able to offer you options! This is why we designed our 24-hour protection policy.

Eligibility Guidelines

There are a few guidelines to follow to ensure eligibility. 

  • The return must be requested within 24 hours of your purchase, 
  • Your order must be for 6 tickets or less
  • The event must be at least 72 hours away
  • Specialty events (e.g. Playoff games, The Super Bowl) are not eligible for return
  • We are only able to accept one return per fan per month under this protection. 

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